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VSAÚDE, 2022

Experience in Healthcare system: UX transformation


This case study explores my role in improving the overall user experience of VSaúde Gestão, a comprehensive healthcare management system developed by VSaúde, a healthcare technology company specializing in apps for medical professionals.

The project aimed to address user complaints about the system's complexity, lack of intuition and difficulties in understanding business rules within the platform. The goal was to improve user adoption and engagement while reducing user effort.

Function and duration

As a UX designer, I collaborated with the talented UX designer lead with the support of an equally talented Product Owner (PO). In addition to the product team, we had support from our Customer Success (CS) team and the sales team.

The project lasted a few intense months of a lot of research, user-centered design and very well-defined planning.


Problem Statement

Users encountered difficulties when using VSaúde Gestão features, especially in configuring settings and understanding the implemented business rules. This resulted in low engagement and high user abandonment rates, mainly due to usability issues and excessive user effort.


Our multifaceted goals included:

  • Identify and understand the main challenges faced by users within the system.

  • Improve the general usability and user experience of VSaúde Gestão, without carrying out major structural reforms.

  • Increase user engagement while reducing user effort.

Design Process

Research and Planning

In our design process, we follow a systematic approach to address the challenges faced by VSaúde Gestão. We begin with extensive research and planning, carefully defining our research objectives and identifying problem areas within the system. To gain valuable insights, we conduct user interviews and comprehensive surveys. This allowed us to create and validate user personas, develop empathy maps, map intricate user journeys, and thoroughly analyze existing system flows. Additionally, we develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of our project.

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These personas were not mere hypothetical constructs, but were grounded in real user data and insights gained through our extensive research efforts. Additionally, we use empathy maps to delve deeper into the emotional and psychological aspects of our users. These visual aids made it easier to organize and visualize users’ thoughts, feelings, and pain points. By fostering empathy with our users, we gained valuable insights that informed our design choices, ensuring our solutions resonated with users on an emotional level and addressed their motivations.

Additionally, we develop user journey maps to provide a comprehensive view of the entire user experience within the VSaúde Gestão system. This involved meticulously documenting every user touchpoint and interaction, from the initial onboarding process to the completion of specific tasks. By mapping the user journey, we are able to identify areas of friction, identify bottlenecks and discover opportunities for improvement.

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Analysis and Insights

The next phase involved analyzing user feedback to uncover key pain points and sources of frustration. We are dedicated to the arduous task of prioritizing these problems and strategically identifying potential solutions. Our focus was on reshaping the system's flows and intricacies to ensure users could enjoy a seamless and intuitive experience.

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Moving forward, we created prototypes, strategically building on top of the existing user interface as our foundation. We've introduced innovative strategies aimed at guiding first-time users through the setup processes, significantly reducing confusion. Additionally, we perform a comprehensive review of system paths to ensure smooth interaction with complex business rules. Our ultimate goal was to align the user interface with user expectations, seeking to offer a seamless and rewarding experience.

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The result of our incessant research and refined design interventions bore fruit:

  • A streamlined onboarding process alleviated confusion for new users.

  • The system flows were reconfigured in an artistic way, guiding users intuitively.

  • A revamped user interface resonated more deeply with user expectations.

Key performance indicators painted a vivid picture of progress: task completion times were accelerated, abandonment rates for specific tasks plummeted, and both Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES) showed marked improvements .


Our design solutions instigated a profound transformation, positively reshaping the user experience. Engaged users became the new norm, and the once formidable abandonment rate began to decline. Notable achievements included faster task completion, reduced task abandonment, and marked improvements in NPS and CES scores.
This comprehensive case study illuminates the extraordinary journey of user-centered design in overcoming complex usability challenges within a healthcare management system. It serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to enhancing user experiences and driving user adoption within the healthcare ecosystem.

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